Nikki Mueller is a Certified Personal Trainer and graduate from Georgian College with a Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion. She was introduced to exercise through the gym and sports at a very early age and immediately fell in love with it. Over the years her passion for wellness has only grown and she is eager to continue learning to provide individuals like you with the best quality training and advice for living your best life! Nikki has experience in team training, personal training and conducting group fitness classes to individuals aged 10 to 90. She was recently presented with her Culinary Nutrition Expert Certificate with Honors and intends on furthering her education in the industry by getting her Yoga Teacher Certificate.

Education: Fitness & Health Promotion (Georgian College)

Certification: PTS (Can-Fit-Pro), Culinary Nutrition Expert.

Experience: 3 years

Things I Love: Family, Friends, Food.

Favourite Music: Anything I can sing, dance or workout to!

Favourite Sport: Soccer, Volleyball, Snowboarding.

Favourite Show: Grey’s Anatomy.

Favourite Exercise: HIIT circuits and Yoga.

Favourite Food: Fajita bowls and banana bread. Mmmmm.

Favourite Book: Any food or fitness related book.

Favourite Quote: “Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.” – Kobe Bryant

Teaches: Bootcamp.