Marilyn White

Marilyn is a retired Toronto Police Officer who has always loved all things fitness. She has continued this passion throughout her retirement.   Her years of shiftwork gave her an appreciation of how important it is to make time, not excuses, when it comes to making fitness and good nutrition part of your regular daily routine.  Marilyn loves a good strength workout.
Marilyn truly believes that everyone can reach their desired goal, whatever that may be.  Focus and determination are key.  

Certifications: PTS (Can-Fit-Pro 2016), FIS (Can-Fit-Pro 2019) Trigger Point, Strong.

Experience: 8 years.

Things I love: Gardening, spending time with family and friends and baking. 

My Favourite Music:  Anything that gets me moving!

My Favourite Shows: True crime documentaries, The Voice and anything that makes me laugh.

My Favourite Sport: Pickleball and Golf (hoping they will become favourites when the skill level improves)

My Favourite Exercise: Anything upper body and abs.

My Favourite Food: Mexican or anything BBQ

My Favourite Book: I love to read motivational books and books that help us to understand how our thoughts influence our actions.

My Favourite Quote: “Don’t try to rush progress – A step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.” – Kara Goucher

Teaches:  Bootcamp and PT