“I will start on Monday!?! Isn’t that what we all say when deciding to go on a “diet”? I know that I have said this many times before. With my wedding as motivation, I decided it was time to make some drastic changes if I wanted to be healthy and lose weight in the process. I increased my bootcamp classes, added personal training, and asked for a food plan. Combining all of these factors helped me to learn the benefits of increasing my weights, what my food intake should look like and that it truly is a lifestyle change that I need to maintain. There are no quick fixes. Believe me I tried!
The key for me was understanding that what we eat truly dictates 80 percent of the battle. I won’t say that I don’t indulge anymore, but I can say that I have a much better understanding of how to decrease my calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight. I am proud to say I am 45 pounds lighter. My journey will not end here. It has only begun. Thank you Mark for all of your guidance and support. I would not be here today without it! I thoroughly enjoy the challenging bootcamp classes I attend, the awesome instructors and, of course, the great people I run into each time I come to Me First Fitness.”