Trisha Barrett is a Personal Trainer Specialist and Kettlebell Instructor.  While she now loves fitness and living a healthy lifestyle, that was not always the case.  From a very young age Trisha had periods of significant mental health problems that caused her to miss a great deal of her teenage years. By the time she was in her late teens she had begun to have chronic physical health issues that required constant procedures, treatments, surgeries and medications – often with significant side effects, like weight gain.  Having been overweight all of her life these side effects caused Trisha’s relationship with food and how she felt about her body to become quite toxic and there wasn’t a diet program or unhealthy weight loss method out there that she didn’t try. After nearly 15 years of disordered eating and worsening health symptoms she was completely fed up and began doing research about nutrition and working on repairing her unhealthy relationship with food.  She also started running and though she was able to run her first half-marathon that year, due to an injury while training for the race she experienced a setback in her progress towards becoming healthier. During the year it took to rehabilitate she decided that instead of just focusing on losing weight, she was going to concentrate on getting stronger and that led her to Me First Fitness. Since joining Me First in 2018 Trisha has drastically diminished all of the negative health symptoms she’s experienced all of her adult life, gotten significantly stronger and more confident than ever before and lost 40 lbs by finding a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.  Most importantly she’s learned to love and appreciate her body and found her passion in life – helping others find the same freedom and balance she has. She is currently working towards her Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach certification.

Education: Can Fit Pro & Agatsu Fitness

Certification: PTS (Can-Fit-Pro), Agatsu Kettlebell Instruction, HWL (Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach – Can-Fit-Pro)

Experience: 5 Years

Things I Love: My family, being an Auntie, cooking, music, reading, gardening, dogs (mine in particular but all of them in general), being unapologetically optimistic

My Favourite Music: The only thing I don’t like is silence, I always have to have something on in the background.

My Favourite Sport: Football

My Favourite Show: Friends, The Tudors, true crime documentaries

My Favourite Exercise: Running and Kettlebell

My Favourite Food: Pretty much all Italian and Indian food, pears with almond butter, cookies and brownies

My Favourite Book: Fifth Business, Cloud Atlas, Life of Pi, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, anything Mark Manson

My favorite quote: “Today I will do what others won’t, so that tomorrow I can do what others can’t” – Jerry Rice

Teaches: Bootcamp, Strength Camp & Virtual Classes.